Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Korea: Classes

As I am STUDYING abroad here in Korea, I suppose I can put up a few words on the actual education part of what I am doing here. This semester, as with last semester at Stellenbosch, the majority of my classes are designed for international students. This means that the professors come into the class typically understanding that the students in front of them are in the country for a cultural learning experience.

With that said here's what I'm taking for classes:

  • Korean Language for Beginners (안녕 하 십니 까? 게이트 입냐다.) 2 hours a day; 5 days a week.
  • Korean Cinema; Watch a Korean movie every Friday, discuss it the next Wednesday.
  • International Trade (I volunteered to be the TA, the teacher can already remember my name)
  • Biology (How does that work? Well, I hadn't yet taken Science A at Babson, and instead of saving it for senior year I figured I would finally take care of it. It's going well though; the teacher knows my name in that class, too. Helps to be the only non-Asian in the room)
  • Seminar on Living and Learning in Korea
  • Honors Seminar II: since I'm abroad all year I'm taking this class virtually even though technically it meets on campus at Babson. It keeps me connected as a legitimate Babson student. I even attended the first class meeting, so no one can really say I was gone for a full year...technically...

It should be a good semester. There's not an extreme amount of work in any of my classes and they are all interesting enough so far. The down sides?

  • Classes on Fridays and Mondays...as in, no 3 day weekend :P
  • No morning classes. I never start before 10:30am, usually not until after lunch (and I'm morning person)
  • I don't get done with classes for the day until 6pm
But hey, I'm in Korea for a semester, so that's a large enough plus side to negate all three down sides. Anyways, it's just about time for Korean Language now, so I'll post more about my recent weekend adventures soon :)

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