I've had a fairly productive start to my day, but reality is setting in. A week from now I'll be finishing packing and going home for the summer...then it's off to South Africa!!! I've decided though that I want to go back to visit Romania after my semester ends. I look around my room and no way is it ready to have me move out, but I know that all of that will be changing VERYYY soon. I will also have to work in studying this weekend, YIKES. But at least I only have to sit for two exams; that will make the week much easier.
In other news, RaneeC LLC is now a legal entity. I am officially the co-CEO/CFO. This has been an exciting event over the past few days for myself and the rest of the RaneeC team. We are now working on all of the legal paperwork that is necessary to make this little entity a true success. We had our first official meeting this morning in the dining hall, and our little team is starting to grow. With some hard work and careful planning this summer we will be in an excellent position come the fall.
So needless to say, but I've been busy. I have actually been struggling to find free time with all that I have had to do over the past few months. Soon, though, I'll be able to give my updates on Malaysia. The quick blurb, however, is that the trip was amazing;
Happy birthday Michael and Joe!!!
"Spring is nature's way of saying 'Let's party!'" ~Robin Williams